Burns Supper celebrations This was our 4th year of organising this celebration and was deemed by many to be the best yet. The theme is a traditional Burns Night supper with one or two ‘Cutthorpe’ twists and once again was a great deal of fun, enjoyed by all. Burns Night runs to a formula so previous years’ photos look very similar. Pete Stott took the lead once again with Tam O’Shanter and this year was joined by Arlene, John Thurstan and June and finally Tom Johnstone gave an amusing take on the toast to the lassies with Claire Thurstan providing an excellent response. As ever we welcomed newcomers and old hands both to Cutthorpe and the celebrations. Long may it continue. Photos below give a taste of the evening (click for larger images).
Maintaining Social distancing! Social Distancing!
Cutthorpe’s VE Day Celebrations Even though the Covid 19 pandemic cut short our original plans for a VE Day celebration for the whole village followed by a party in the Three Merry Lads in the evening, many of us managed to get the bunting out for a socially distanced street party with the Three Merry Lads providing the Last Post, a National Toast and music to celebrate the occasion - many thanks to BJ for this. These are a few photos of the occasion and everyone is smiling!
Clap for the NHS & Carers One of the few group activities we’ve been able to take part in, even though at a distance, is the weekly Thursday night clap for the NHS and carers. Thanks to Ken and Wendy this has expanded to include a song or two we can join in with.
Easter Cutthorpe Kids had some great plans for Easter celebrations, including an Easter Egg hunt, much of which had to be put on hold due to the Coronavirus outbreak and lockdown. However we did manage to wrap up and deliver Easter eggs to any of the village children whose parents let us know they’d like one. and Millie looked fantastic in her prize winning Easter Bonnet.

Events in Cutthorpe 2020

There are usually plenty of happenings in Cutthorpe, although not so much this year since Covid 19 struck. However we still do our best to enjoy ourselves and below are some photos to remind us of happier times - updated as photos become available. (click for larger images). Photos for 2020 so far cover the following: VJ Day, VE Day celebrations, Clap for NHS, Easter, Burns night celebrations
30th April 30th April 30th April 30th April - Arlene and Sally make the most of the empty road!! 30th April 7th May 7th May 7th May 7th May 7th May 7th May 7th May - thanks to Ken and Wendy 7th May - the sun shines for us all
Marking VJ Day A number of residents turned out to mark a more poignant VJ Day on the Recreation Ground, suitably distanced. David Shipstone made an excellent town cryer and the vintage car and mini well dressings from Arlene, Wendy, Claire, Janet, Hilary and a beautiful rainbow basket of flowers from Jane, which all added to the feel of the day. To finish off the Three Merry Lads provided bacon butties afterwards.
Halloween Pumpkins Cutthorpe Kids Celebrated with a magnificent display of pumpkins through the village. The winners of the pumpkin competition are THOMAS, JAMES & HENRY HOPKINSON with their spooky masked pumpkins.
David Shipstone resplendent with bagpipes
This year we had the extra treat of a piper to start the proceedings, click below to watch the video
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