Events in Cutthorpe
There are plenty of happenings in Cutthorpe, below are
some of them in photos (will continue to be updated)
(click for larger images)
Christmas Celebrations
Cutthorpe has added christmas celebrations to it’s range
of activities. This year saw us arrange a new Christmas
Childrens Party, many thanks to Sarah, Effie and Natalie
for their superb efforts, enjoyed by the children and
grandchildren of Cutthorpe residents.
We also repeated the very successful adults Christmas
party of 2018, once again generously hosted by John and
Paddy Robinson. Our organisational and catering skills go
from strength to strength!
Cutthorpe Festival
This spanned the weekend of 11-
13th July but celebrations started
well before that with the
Scarecrow Making with BBQ and
the Well Dressing.
Scarecrows: The sunday before the Festival we hold a
scarecrow making event accompanied by a barbecue,
free to everyone in the village (donations welcome).
The scarecrow competition was won by the excellent
‘traditional’ scarecrow, shown at the end of this
Well Dressing - this year’s theme was the Wizard of Oz
(80 years since the release of the film). Here you can
see the development of the well dressing, from the
application of the clay, the barking of the design, then
being gradually filled with flowers (heads and petals)
and leaves by a loyal band of volunteers and passers
by. Taking a week to create, a week on display and
then the entire thing is dismantled with the frame,
bark and clay being stored for use again next year.
Alongside the main panel, Cutthorpe Junior School
also produce their own creation, displayed in the
Three Merry Lads car park
Weekend Festival - this gallery gives a taste of the
Friday night entertainment, when the Cutthorpe
Choir, the Cutthorpe guitar quartet, and
ThunderRoadz performed, followed by the Fete on
the Saturday with stalls, rides, food, dog show,
classic cars and the Cutthorpe Bake Off judging.
Alongside this the Village Institute put on the annual
Art Show with Cream Teas throughout the weekend.
Clear up on Sunday morning, with a fantastic group of
volunteers was rounded off with bacon rolls in the
Three Merry Lads.
Burns Supper celebrations
Our third year of organising this celebration proves
the old adage ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’. The
theme is a traditional Burns Night supper with one
or two ‘Cutthorpe’ twists and once again was a
great deal of fun, enjoyed by all. Burns Night runs
to a formula so previous years’ photos look very
similar. Ian Robinson gave an amusing take on the
toast to the lassies and Janet provided a rousing
response. Pete Stott took the lead again with Tam
O’Shanter but ths year was joined by Arlene, John
Thurstan, June and finally Tom Johnstone, which
added to the entertainment value (even if most of
us have no idea what is actually being said!). We
welcomed newcomers and old hands both to
Cutthorpe and the celebrations. Long may it
Photos below give a taste of the evening (click for
larger images).